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Tom Zades | Published on 7/6/2023

Nancy Gordon at piano
Exactly when we needed it, Nancy Gordon burst onto the scene! Moving to The Grand (then Sun City Grand) in August 2021, Nancy reached out to find the music and theater opportunities. Her first response came from Joyce Greenberg, who asked Nancy to be available to play for the upcoming Drama Club Variety Show auditions. Joyce was the link to all things art and music in SCG and quickly became a cherished friend to Nancy.

Nancy is a career piano accompanist, music director, and educator. She has directed music and produced theater at the high school, university, and professional levels for 40 years. She played for dance and musical theater classes for 25 years at the Conservatory of Performing Arts at Point Park University in Pittsburgh.

Nancy’s first “gig” in Grand was to serve as Music Director for the Music Club’s May 2022 Showcase “Out of the Blues,” with Producer and Director Jean McCurdy, followed in January 2023 by “Speakeasy,” conceived and directed by Gary Povick. She and Gary held auditions and selected the songs and singers; she recruited the musicians and arranged the musical score for the orchestra (horns, woodwinds, strings, percussion and piano). She held nearly all rehearsals in her home, which creates a sense of family, and had the cast ready for showtime!

The applause had barely died down before Nancy was collaborating with Drama Club President Eileen Brooks, who had conceived and was creating the Drama Club’s 23rd Annual Variety Show. This time, Nancy also worked with the Grandettes and their eight dance routines.

Early on, Nancy announced that she would be writing and directing the Music Club’s November 2023 “Celebration of Music.” She is calling the show “Who’s Speaking, Please?” and describes it as Music from a different point of view. A veritable banquet of instrumental and vocal music tells this true story. But whose story is it? Join us to find out “who’s speaking, please?” The show is scheduled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 17, 18 and 19. This show is also a food drive in partnership with St. Mary’s Food Bank

Since moving to Surprise, Nancy has continued her involvement in education and the arts, currently teaching English Language Arts, and English as a Second Language in Deer Valley and Scottsdale School Districts. She is enrolled at Paradise Valley Community College, working towards a certificate in American Sign Language. She is music directing local theater shows, and she accompanies The Vocal Chords, the 40-member Chorale formed from local Sun Health Communities.

Nancy says: “When I chose the house in Sun City Grand as our place to live, I had zero knowledge of the community and if music/theater/art programs even existed in SCG. As I now know, there is an abundance of opportunity in the performing arts. I was asked to join what sounded like a wonderful project: ‘Out of the Blues’ with a wonderful director (Jean McCurdy.) That was my first encounter with the arts scene here at Grand.

“My first impression was ‘uh-oh, folks don’t read music and folks don’t provide the music they need, but wow, what a lot of talent everyone has.’ The ‘Out of the Blues’ show was a success and a joy to be a part of. I also was given the gift of a wonderful octet of singers, who I immediately asked to claim as my own! They consented, and it is my happiness to continue to work with them at any opportunity.

“The Music Club’s personality continued to shine with Gary Povick’s ‘Speakeasy’ show. This was, again, a terrific show with interesting, compelling and entertaining music, and a cast filled with lovely, talented, coachable singers and musicians. It was a bit tricky and very time consuming to create music for the singers and orchestra, but well worth the time.

“I’m currently enjoying working with the excellent cast of November’s ‘Celebration of Music’ show. Talent abounds again, as it always seems to here in Grand. The bigger gift for me is to continue to work with folks who are excited to share their talents, willing to do the work, appreciate and uplift each other, and are happy to combine their talents to offer superb entertainment to the very supportive Grand audiences.”

The Grand seems to have a way of attracting just what is needed at just the right time. That’s easy to say in hindsight, but we never know who is heading our way, or from where. Nancy came to help each of us be better at what we like to do...the right person at just the right time!