It’s a revival! Of sorts. Early in 2024 Kathy Head stepped up to lead the popular Gospel Singers service group. The group had gone dormant during Covid and was still inactive in March 2023 when Nancy Rochester and husband Ray moved to Arkansas. Per Nancy, “Darlene Goemer started the group, and we practiced our singing at Lorna Sewell's home. When Darlene left, she asked me to take over. I was responsible for coordinating the assisted living places and times, keeping the songbooks, etc.” She adds that “It was a joy to see the faces of all of the people we sang for, including the Brookdale Memory Care in Sun City West. People with dementia can sing right along. That is so amazing!”
When Kathy announced that she would be leading a revival of the group, 20 or so people expressed interest and enthusiasm right away. Some fifteen singers are accompanied by Ruth Ann Price at the piano, Tammy Gordon on flute, Steve Jacobsen on guitar, and by RJ Masata and his harmonica. The name of the group has been changed from The Gospel Singers to The Good News Singers. (If you look it up, “Gospel” means “Good News!”) Most of the Good News Singers are active with the Grand Singers Chorus, by the way.
Kathy and husband Jim moved to Sun City Grand (now “The Grand”) way back in 2001. She says “Jim and I retired in 2000 and rented a house here. We fell in love with The Grand and built our home here.” Initially, they were both avid golfers. Jim still plays three to four times per week. Kathy backed down to one or two days per week as she became more active with the Grand Music Club. A natural leader, in 2023 Kathy became Co-President, along with Norma Lucas, of the Grand Singers Council.
Kathy continues: “I grew up in Yazoo City Mississippi. I was a country kid and grew up riding horses and loving the outdoors. There were cotton fields all around our house and water moccasins in the grass! I took piano lessons,” she continues, “from third grade through 11th grade. My piano teacher was like another mother to me. She was a mentor - a life coach.
While in high school, I played the organ at a Methodist Church for $50 a month and that paid my car payment!”
Kathy added that she and Jim have two daughters, four grandchildren and three great grandsons! One daughter is in Boise, Idaho and the other in Portland, Oregon. Kathy worked for Nordstrom in Portland for 15 years. She mentions, upon reflection: “I was always involved in Church Choir, and served as interim Choir Director for a while.” That experience, her love of music, and her heart for the folks in our local assisted living facilities make her a natural to lead the Good News Singers.
Kathy echoes Nancy Rochester: “The smiles on the faces of our audiences, their recognition of the songs, their appreciation of our efforts, is so rewarding. Many sing the choruses with us. And, yes, the coordination of the performance schedule, the maintenance of the songbooks, the communications with our team, all take some time and planning, but it is a pleasure to do. The Good News team gains as much - if not more - than it gives.”
Pictures from performance at Brookdale Camino Del Sol Care Center